学術論文, 国際会議Proc.
The effect of ram speed on mechanical and thermal properties in ECAE process simulation
(ECAE プロセス シミュレーション中の機械的および熱的特性におけるプレス速度の影響)
S. W. Chung, W.J. Kim, M. Kohzu and K. Higashi
Materials Transactions, 44, 973-980 (2003).
(equal channel angular extrusion, local instability press speed, heat dissipation, finite volume method simulation)
Generalized Stacking Fault Energy and Dislocation Properties for Various Slip Systems in Magnesium: a First-Principles Study
T. Uesugi, K. Masanori, M. Kohyama and K. Higashi
Materials Science Forum, 419, 225-230 (2003).
(first-principles, Generalized stacking fault, Peierls stress, Magnesium, Basal slip, Prismatic slip)
Evaluation of Press Formability in Magnesium Alloy
M. Kohzu, F. Yoshida and K. Higashi
Materials Science Forum, 419, 321-326 (2003).
(magnesium alloy, press formability, local elongation, deformability, notch sensibility, drawability, grain size)
The diffusion bonding and theoretical model including void growth mechanism in magnesium alloys
H. Somekawa, H. Watanabe, M. Kohzu, K. Higashi
Materials Science Forum, 419, 393-398 (2003).
(superplasticity, magnesium alloy, diffusion bonding, compressive lap shear strength, deformation mechanism map)
Superplastic Deformation Behavior in the Commercial AZ61 Mg Alloy during Biaxial Gas-pressure Forming
(ブロー成形中の(市販)AZ31 Mg合金における 超塑性変形挙動)
S.W. Chung, W.J. Kim and K. Higashi
Materials Science Forum, 419, 539-544 (2003).
(Gas-pressure forming, AZ61, superplastic forming)
Diffusion Process in AZ61 Magnesium Alloy and Their Relation with the Cavitation Growth Rate
J.V. Aguirre, H. Hosokawa and K. Higashi
Materials Science Forum, 419, 545-550 (2003).
(AZ61 Superplastic Magnesium Alloy, Grain Boundary Diffusion, Lattice Diffusion, Cavitation, Cavity Growth Rate)
Superplastic Behavior of an ECAE Processed ZK60 Magnesium Alloy
H. Watanabe, T. Mukai, K. Ishikawa and K. Higashi
Materials Science Forum, 419, 557-562 (2003).
(ZK60, ECAE, superplasticity, grain boundary structure)
Quality Improvement of Rapidly Solidified Magnesium Alloy by Plastic Processing
M. Yoshikawa, M. Kohzu, H. Watanabe and K. Higashi
Materials Science Forum, 419, 769-774(2003).
(Magnesium alloy, Rapidly Solidification, Equal-channel-angular-extrusion, Ductility)
Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Triazine Dithiol/ MgO Interface
N. Hamada, T. Uesugi, H. Torii and K. Higashi
Materials Science Forum, 419, 557-562 (2003).
(triazine molecure, MgO surface, interface, ab-initio pseudopotential method, classical molecular dynamics)
Diffusion bonding in superplastic magnesium alloys
H. Somekawa, H. Hosokawa, H. Watanabe, K. Higashi
Materials Science and Engineering, 339, 328-333 (2003).
(Diffusion bonding, Magnesium alloy, Superplasticity, Compression lap shear strength, Surface roughness)
Diffusion Bonding in Commercial Superplastic AZ31 Magnesium Alloys Sheets
H. Somekawa, K. Higashi
Key Engineering Materials, 233-236, 857-862 (2003).
(Compressive lap shear strength, Diffusion bonding, Magnesium alloy, Superplasticity)
Low temperature diffusion bonding in a superplastic AZ31 magnesium alloy
H. Somekawa, H. Watanabe, T. Mukai, K. Higashi
Scripta Materialia, 48, 1249-1254 (2003).
(Magnesium alloy, Aluminum alloy, Diffusion bonding, Superplasticity, Lap shear strength)
Plane-Strain Fracture Toughness on Thin AZ31 Wrought Magnesium Alloy Sheets
T. Sasaki, H. Somekawa, A. Takara, Y. Nishikawa and K. Higashi
Materials Transactions, 44, 986-990 (2003).
(magnesium alloy, plane-strain fracture toughness, fractography, stretched zone)
The Grain Size Dependence on Diffusion Bonding Behavior in Superplastic Mg Alloys
H. Somekawa, H. Watanabe and K. Higashi
Materials Transactions, 44, 496-503 (2003).
(magnesium alloy, superplasticity, diffusion bondings, compression lap shear strength, grit blasting, surface roughness, grain size effect)
Atomic size effects on Al, Ca and Sc in Mg solid solutions from first-principles calculations
T. Uesugi, M. Kohyama and K. Higashi
Materials Science Forum, 426, 599-603 (2003).
(first principles, Mg-based alloy, solid solution strengthening, atomic size factor, misfit strain)
The effect of temperature and flow stress for climb-controlled dislocation creep in magnesium alloy
H. Somekawa, H. Watanabe, T. Mukai and K. Higashi
Materials Science Forum, 426, 605-610 (2003).
(magnesium alloy, climb-controlled dislocation creep, constitute equation)
Mechanical Properties of Mg-Y-Zn Alloy
H. Watanabe, T. Mukai, S. Kamado, Y. Kojima and K. Higashi
Materials Transactions, 44, 463-467 (2003).
(Magnesium alloy, Equal-channel-angular extrusion, Heat resistant, Supaerplasticity)
Materials Processing for Structural Stability in a ZK60 Magnesium Alloy
H. Watanabe, K. Moriwaki, T. Mukai, T. Ohsuna, K. Hiraga and K. Higashi
Materials Transactions, 44, 775-781 (2003).
(magnesium, materials processing, structural stability, aging, pre-strain, superplasticity)
The activity of non-basal slip systems and dynamic recovery at room temperature in fine-grained AZ31B magnesium alloys
J. Koike, T. Kobayashi, H. Watanabe, M, Suzuki, K. Maruyama and K. Higashi
Acta Materialia, 51, 2055-2065 (2003).
(Magnesium, Mechanical properties, Microstructure, Dislocations)
Grain boundary sliding of Σ5(001) twist grain boundary in aluminum bicrystal from first-principles calculations
(第一原理計算によるアルミニウム双結晶でのΣ5(001) ねじり粒界の粒界すべり)
T. Uesugi, K. Tsuchiya, M. Kohyama and K. Higashi
Materials Science Forum, 447-448, 27-32 (2003)
(grain boundary sliding, twist grain boundary, tilt grain boundary by crystal, first principles)
Diffusion bonding on superplastic-aluminum and -magnesium alloys
H. Somekawa, H. Watanabe, T. Mukai and K. Higashi
Materials Science forum, 447-448, 527-532 (2003)
(superplasticity, diffusion bounding, Al alloy, Mg alloy, theoretical model)
Microstructure and Superplastic Properties at Room Temperature in Zn-22Al Alloy after Equal-Channel-Angular Extrusion
(ECAE後のZn-22Al 合金の室温における微細組織と室温超塑性特性)
T. Tanaka, H.Watanabe, M. Kohzu and K. Higashi
Materials Science Forum, 447-448, 489-496 (2003)
(Equal-channel-angular extrusion, Superplasticity, An-22Al alloy)
Capability of superplastic forming in the seismic device using Zn-22Al eutectoid alloy
(Zn-22Al 共析合金を用いた制震デバイスにおける超塑性成形の可能性)
T. Tanaka, K. Makii, A. Kushibe, M. Kohzu and K. Higashi
Scripat Materialia, 49, 361-366 (2003).
(Superplasticity, Mechanical properties, Zn-22Al alloy, Seismic device)
Microstructure in Zn-Al Alloys after Equal-Channel-Angular Extrusion
(ECAE後のZn-Al 合金の微細組織)
T. Tanaka, H. Watanabe and K. Higashi
Materials Transactions, 44, 1891-1894 (2003).
(equal-channel-angular extrusion, Zinc-22 Aluminum alloy)
Grain Boundary Character Distribution Control to Inhibit Cavitation in Superplastic P/M7475
T. Hirata, S. Tanabe, M. Kohzu and K. Higashi
Scripta Materialia, 49, 891-896 (2003).
(Superplasticity, Cavitation, Grain boundary, Recrystallization)
The optimal surface roughness condition on diffusion bonding
H. Somekawa and K. Higashi
Materials Transactions, 44, 1640-1643 (2003).
(diffusion bonding, compressive lap shear strength, magnesium alloy, surface roughness, superplasticity)
Experimental Prediction of Deformation Mechanism after Continuous Dynamic Recrystallization in Superplastic P/M7475
T. Hirata, M. Mukai, N. Saito, S. Tanabe, M. Kohzu and K. Higashi
Journal of Materials Science, 38, 3925-3932 (2003).
(High-strain-rate superplasticity, Dynamic recrystallization, Grain boundary sliding, Grain boundary character distribution)
Ab initio study on divacancy binding energies in aluminum and magnesium
T. Uesugi, M. Kohyama, and K. Higashi
Physical Review B, 68, 184103 (2003).
(divacancy, first principles, pseudopotential, vacancy)
佐久間健人, 東 健司
セラミックス, 38, 107-117 (2003).
渡辺博行, 向井敏司, 東 健司
塑性と加工, 44, 10-14 (2003).
森 久史, 道浦吉貞, 喜多川眞好, 辻村太郎, 東 健司
まてりあ (2003).
染川英俊, 渡辺博行, 向井敏司, 東健司
未来材料, (2003).
東 健司
ナノメタルの最新技術と応用開発 (2003).
CMC出版, 8, 189-195 (2003).
2nd International Conference on “Platform Science and Technology for Advanced Magnesium Alloys”(PSTAM2003)(Osaka, Japan, Jan., 2003)
T. Uesugi, M. Kohyama, M. Kohzu and K. Higashi
Generalized Stacking Fault Energy and Dislocation Properties for Various Slip Systems in Magnesium: a First-Principles Study.
H. Somekawa, H. Watanabe, M. Kohzu, K. Higashi
The diffusion bonding and theoretical model including void growth mechanism in magnesium alloys.
M. Kohzu, F. Yoshida and K. Higashi
Evaluation of Press Formability in Magnesium Alloy.
S.W. Chung, W.J. Kim and K. Higashi
Superplastic Deformation Behavior in the Commercial AZ61 Mg Alloy during Biaxial Gas-pressure Forming.
J.V. Aguirre, H. Hosokawa and K. Higashi
Diffusion Process in AZ61 Magnesium Alloy and Trier Relation with the Cavitation Growth Rate.
H. Watanabe, T. Mukai, K. Ishikawa and K. Higashi
Superplastic Behavior of an ECAE Processed ZK60 Magnesium Alloy.
M. Yoshikawa, M. Kohzu, H. Watanabe and K. Higashi
Quality Improvement of Rapidly Solidified Magnesium Alloy by Plastic Processing.
N. Hamada, T. Uesugi, H. Torii and K. Higashi
Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Triazine Dithiol/ MgO Interface.
International Conference on Processing and Manufacturing of Advanced Materials (Thermec 2003) (Madrid, Spain, July, 2003)
T. Uesugi, M. Kohyama and K. Higashi
Atomic size effects on Al, Ca and Sc in Mg solid solutions from first-principles calculations.
H. Somekawa, H. Watanabe, T. Mukai and K. Higashi
The effect of temperature and flow stress for climb-controlled dislocation creep in magnesium alloy.
8th International Conference on Superplasticity in Advanced Materials (ICSAM 2003)(Oxford, U.K. July, 2003)
T. Uesugi, K. Tsuchiya, M. Kohyama and K. Higashi
Grain boundary sliding of Σ5(001) twist grain boundary in aluminum bicrystal from first-principles calculations.
H. Somekawa, H. Watanabe, T. Mukai and K. Higashi
Diffusion bonding on superplastic-aluminum and -magnesium alloys
T. Tanaka, H. Watanabe, M. Kohzu and K. Higashi
Microstructure and Superplastic Properties at Room Temperature in Zn-22Al Alloy after Equal-Channel-Angular Extrusion
The 8th IUMRS International Conference on Advanced Materials(IUMRS-ICAM 2003) (Yokohama, Japan, October, 2003)
T. Uesugi and K. Higashi
Effects of alloying on the creep strength of magnesium alloys from first-principles calculations.
International Conference on Fracture and Strength of Solids (FEOFS2003) (Sendai, Japan, October, 2003)
T. Sasaki, H. Somekawa, A. Takara, Y. Nishikawa and K. Higashi
The influence of seconda phase particles on fracture toughness in AZ31 magnesium alloy.
日本金属学会 2002年春期大会(3月, 東京)
東 健司(基調講演)
講演概要集, 66.
上杉 徳照, 東 健司
上杉 徳照, 東 健司
田中 努, 槙井浩一, 櫛部淳道, 東 健司
上杉 徳照, 東 健司
上杉徳照, 東 健司
日本塑性加工学会 2003年塑性加工春季講演会(5月, 千葉)
廣中智久, 高津正秀, 東 健司
M&M 材料力学部門講演会(9月,富山)
上杉徳照, 東 健司
結晶材料のナノ組織制御イノベーション講演会 (9月, 福岡)
上杉 徳照, 東 健司
鄭 盛旭, 東 健司
儀賀章仁, 染川英俊, 東 健司
染川英俊, 高津正秀, 東 健司
辻川正人, 染川英俊, 東 健司, 岩崎勇人, 長谷川猛, 水田明能
今井順二, 濱田 糾, 東 健司
上杉徳照, 高橋香帆, 東 健司
上杉 徳照, 東 健司
長周期構造を有するMg-Zn-Y合金におけるZn, Yの安定位置の第一原理計算
第47回日本学術会議材料研究連合講演会(10月, 京都)
東 健司
M&P 2003第11回機械材料・材料加工技術講演会(10月, 東京)
田中 努, 江 立夫, 鄭 盛旭, 槙井浩一, 櫛部淳道, 高津正秀, 東 健司
講演論文集, 616
日本塑性加工学会2003年塑性加工連合講演会(11月, 香川)
廣中智久, 高津正秀, 東 健司, 福城和也, 中 哲夫, 吉田総仁
講演論文集, 55-56
日本機械学会第16回計算力学講演会(11月, 兵庫)
上杉 徳照, 東 健司
講演概要集, 515-516.
東 健司
講演概要集, 727-728.
マグネシウム先進技術発展応用国際検討会(11月, 台湾)
東 健司
論文集, 14-27.
日本金属学会関東支部講習会(12月, 東京)
東 健司