学術論文, 国際会議Proc.
Dynamic Response of a Pd40Ni40P20 Bulk Metallic Glass in Tension
T. Muakai, T.G. Nieh, Y. Kawamura, A. Inoue and K. Higashi
Scripta Materialia, 46, 43-47 (2002).
(Bulk metallic glass, Dynamic trensile loading, Strain rate, Shear bands)
Effect of Strain Rate on Compressive Behavior of a Pd40Ni40P20 Bulk Metallic Glass
T. Mukai , T.G. Nieh, Y. Kawamura, A. Inoue, K. Higashi
Intermetallics, 10, 1071-1077 (2002) .
(Fracture Stress, Mechanical Properties at ambient temperature)
High-Strain-Rate Superplasticity in an AZ91 Magnesium Alloy Processed by Ingot Metallurgy Route
H. Watanabe, T. Mukai, K.Ishikawa and K. Higashi
Materials Transactions, 43, 78-80 (2002).
(magnesium alloy, Grain refinement, Hot extrusion, High-strain-rate superplasticity)
Low Temperature Superplasticity of a Fine-grained ZK60 Magnesium Alloy Processed by Equal-channel-angular Extrusion
H. Watanabe, T. Mukai, K. Ishikawa and K. Higashi
Scripta Materialia, 46, 851-856 (2002).
(Superplasticity, Mechanical Properties, Extrusion, Alloys, Constitutive equations)
The Investigation on Microcavitation Behavior during Dynamic Recrystallization in P/M7475 Aluminum Alloy
T.Hirata and K. Higashi
Scripta Materialia , 47, 1-6 (2002).
(Aluminum,PowderConsolidation,Superplasticity,GrainBoundaries, Recrystallizztion)
Effects of Flow Stress and grain Size on the Evolution of Grain Boundary Microstructure in Superplastic 5083 Aluminum Alloy
T.Hirata, T. Osa, H. Hosokawa and K. Higashi
Materials Transactions, 43, 2385-2391 (2002).
(5083 Aluminum Alloy, Superplasticity, Dislocation Creep, Grain Boundary Character Distribution Grain Boundary Sliding)
Diffusion Bonding in Commercial Superplastic AZ31 Magnesium Alloys Sheets
H. Somekawa and K. Higashi
Key Engineering Materials, 233, 857-862 (2002).
(Compressive lap shear strength, Diffusion bonding, Magnesium alloy, Superplasticity)
Diffusion bonding in superplastic magnesium alloys
H. Somekawa, H. Hosokawa, H. Watanabe and K. Higashi
Materials Science and Engineering A, 339, 328-333 (2002).
(Diffusion bonding, Magnesium alloy, Superplasticity, Compression lap shear strength, Surface roughness)
Deformation Behavior of Nanocrystalline Zn-22wt%Al Alloy Using Thermomechanical Controlling Process
T. Tanaka, K. Makii, A. Kushibe and K. Higashi
Key Engineering Materials, 233, 719-724 (2002).
(Nanocrystalline Materials, Room Temperature Deformation, Zn-Al Eutectoid Alloy)
Room Temperature Deformation Behavior of Zn-22 mass % Al Alloy with Nanocrystalline Structure
T. Tanaka, K. Makii, A. Kushibe and K. Higashi
Materials Transactions, 42, 2249-2454 (2002).
(Nanocrystalline Material, Superplasticity, Room Temperature Deformation, Zinc-Aluminum Eutectoid Alloy, Grain Boundary Sliding)
The Critical Stress at the Interface for Cavity Nucleation in Superpastic Aluminum Matrix Composites Reinforced with Si3N4 Particles
(Si3N4 粒子を含む超塑性アルミニウム基複合材料における空洞生成のための界面臨界応力)
H. Hosokawa, M. Mabuchi, H. Iwasaki and K. Higashi
Materials Transactions, 43, 2415-2418 (2002).
(Aluminum matrix composite, Superplasticity, Cavity nucleation, Particle size, Critical stress at interface)
Effect of Cell Size on the Dynamic Compressive Properties of Open-Celled Aluminum Foams
H. Kanahashi, T. Mukai, T.G. Nieh, T. Aizawa and K. Higashi
Materials Transactions, 43, 2548-2553 (2002).
(Metallic foam, Aluminum-magnesium-silicon alloy, Cell size, Open-cell, Strain rate, Absorption energy)
(Changes of Shape and Stress Distribution during Free-Bulging in Axi-Symmetrically Blow-Formed Superplastic Sheet)
高津正秀, 鈴木信行, 東 健司
塑性と加工, 43, 629-633 (2002).
(sheet metal forming, numerical analysis, free-bulging, axi-symmetric blow forming, superplasticity, formed shape, stress distribution)
Study on the Superplastic Deformation Mechanism using Magnesium-Based Materials
H. Watanabe, T. Mukai, K. Higashi
Proc. of TMS Annual Meeting, 147-155 (2002).
(superplasticity, effective diffusivity, particle, magnesium alloy)
Grain Refinement and Superplasticity in Magnesium Alloys
H. Watanabe, T. Mukai, K. Higashi
Proc. of TMS Annual Meeting, 469-478 (2002).
(powder metallurgy, severe plastic deformation, magnesium alloy, superplasticity)
Response Surface Approximation in Lamination Parameter Space for Reliability Based Optimization of Laminated Composite Plate
N. Kogiso, S. Nakagawa , K. Higashi and Y. Murotsu
Proc. of Second China-Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Optimization of
Structural and Mechanical Systems, 761-766 (2002).
(Response surface method, Reliability-based optimization, Laminated composite material, Lamination parameter, First order reliability method)
染川英俊, 東健司
鋳造工学 (2002).
TMS Annual Meeting (Seattle, Washington, U.S.A., February, 2002)
Improvement of Strength and Ductility of Commercial Magnesium Alloys Under Dynamic Loading by Controlling Grain Structures
T. Mukai, H. Watanabe, K. Ishikawa and K. Higashi
Study on the Superplastic Deformation Mechanism using Magnesium-Based Materials
H. Watanabe, T. Mukai, K. Higashi
Grain Refinement and Superplasticity in Magnesium Alloys
H. Watanabe, T. Mukai, K. Higashi
Austceram 2002 (Australasian Ceramic Society Conference) (Perth, Australia, Sep., 2002)
Deformation and Fracture Mechanisms in a Si3N4p/ Al-Cu-Mg Composite Exhibiting High Strain Rate Superplasticity
H. Iwasaki, M. Mabuchi and K. Higashi
CJK-OSM2 (The 2nd China-Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Optimization of Structural and Mechanical System) (Busan, Korea, Nov., 2002)
Response Surface Approximation in Lamination Parameter Space for Reliability Based Optimization of Laminated Composite Plate
N. Kogiso, S. Nakagawa , K. Higashi and Y. Murotsu
AEPA 2002 (The Sixth Asia- Pasific Syamposium on Engineering Plasticity and Its Applications) (Sydney, NSW, Australia, Dec., 2002)
Diffusion Bonding in Commercial Superplastic AZ31 Magnesium Alloys Sheets
H. Somekawa and K. Higashi
Deformation of a nanocrystalline Zn-22 mass% Al alloy at room temperature
T. Tanaka, K. Makii, A. Kushibe and K. Higashi
日本金属学会 2002年春期大会(3月, 東京)
東 健司(基調講演)
講演概要集, 66
濱田真行, 鳥井英哉, 東 健司
講演概要集, 67
吉川昌宏, 渡辺博行, 高津正秀, 東 健司
講演概要集, 84
小林孝幸, 小池淳一, 向井敏司, 鈴木真由美, 東 健司, 丸山公一
微細粒AZ31 Mg合金の室温変形機構
講演概要集, 88
上杉徳照, 香山正憲, 高津正秀, 東 健司
講演概要集, 91
渡辺博行, 向井敏司, 石川晧一, 東 健司
講演概要集, 92
染川英俊, 高津正秀, 田辺重則, 東 健司
講演概要集, 92
庄司和寛, 五十嵐 廉, 栗下裕明, 瀧田朋広, 東 健司
講演概要集, 160
平田智丈, 東健司
講演概要集, 247
田中 努, 槙井浩一, 櫛部淳道, 東 健司
講演概要集, 253
土屋憲吾, 上杉徳照, 東 健司
講演概要集, 264
金橋英豪, 向井敏司, 相澤龍彦, 東 健司
講演概要集, 345
日本物理学会 第57回年次大会(3月, 滋賀)
上杉徳照, 香山正憲, 東健司
講演概要集, 906.
軽金属学会第102回春期大会(5月, 北海道)
染川英俊, 東 健司
軽金属学会第102回春期大会講演概要, 303-304.
第33回塑性加工春季講演会(5月, 千葉)
染川英俊, 高津正秀, 東健司
講演概要集, 183-184.
吉川昌宏, 高津正秀,渡辺博行,東 健司
講演概要集, 395-396.
第213回塑性加工シンポジウム(7月, 大阪)
Bulk Metallic Glass International Workshop(7月, 台湾)
Effect of Strain Rate on Compressive Behavior of a Pd40Ni40P20 Bulk Metallic Glass
T. Mukai , T.G. Nieh, Y. Kawamura, A. Inoue, K. Higashi
日本物理学会2002年秋季大会(9月, 愛知)
上杉徳照, 香山正憲, 東健司
講演概要集, 834.
5th Oxford-Kobe Materials Seminar Automotive Materials(9月, 兵庫)
T. Mukai and K. Higashi
Development of ductile magnesium for future structural application
Pre-print of papers, p.80
T. Miyoshi, M. Itoh, T. Mukai, S. Nakano and K. Higashi
Enhancement of crashworthiness in a commercial closed-cell aluminum by the modification of cellular structures
Pre-print of papers, p.95
H. Somekawa, H. Watanabe, T. Mukai and K. Higashi
Low temperature diffusion bonding in superplastic magnesium alloy
Pre-print of papers, p.246
Juan Velazquez Aguirre, H. Hosokawa and K. Higashi
Diffusion Process in AZ61 Magnesium Alloy and their Relation with the Cavitation Growth Rate
Pre-print of papers, p.247
T. Tanaka, M. Kohzu, k. Makii, A. Kushibe and K. Higashi
The appraisal of low temperature deformation for An-22 mass % Al alloy with nanocrystalline structure
Pre-print of papers, p.248
T. Uesugi, M. Kohyama and K. Higashi
Generalized stacking fault energies and Peiel’s stresses for basal and prismatic plane in magnesium: a first-principles study
Pre-print of papers, p.249
N. Hamada, T. Uesugi, H. Torii and K. Higashi
On the accuracy of total energy pseudopotential method applied to triazine compounds
Pre-print of papers, p.250
K. Tsuchiya, T. Uesugi, M. Kohyama and K. Higashi
Analysis of sliding direction in grain boudary: ab-intio simulation
Pre-print of papers, p.251
S.W. Chung and K. Higashi
The effect of friction coefficienton mechanical properties during full 3-D ECAE simulation
Pre-print of papers, p.252
日本機械学会2002年度年次大会(9月, 東京)
上杉徳照, 香山正憲, 高津正秀, 東健司
講演論文集, 217-218.
日本材料学会学術会議(9月, 京都)
田中 努, 槙井浩一, 櫛部淳道, 東 健司
講演論文集, 8-9.
土屋憲吾, 上杉徳照, 香山正憲, 高津正秀, 東 健司
アルミニウムΣ=5 (001) 粒界における原子構造・電子状態の解析
講演論文集, 33-34.
吉川昌宏, 高津正秀, 渡辺博行, 東 健司
Mg-Y-Zn 合金の加工プロセスと機械的性質
講演論文集, 236.
染川英俊, 高津正秀, 東 健司
講演論文集, 212-213.
濱田真行, 上杉徳照, 鳥井秀哉, 東健司
講演概要集, 155-156.
日本機械学会(10月, 山口)
田中 努, 槙井浩一, 櫛部淳道, 東 健司
講演概要集, 69-70.
土屋憲吾, 上杉徳照, 香山正憲, 高津正秀, 東 健司
第一原理計算を用いたアルミニウムΣ=5 (001)粒界におけるすべり方位による変形挙動の解析
講演論文集, 157-158.
上杉徳照, 香山正憲, 高津正秀, 東 健司
講演論文集, 175-176.
濱田真行,上杉徳照,鳥井秀哉,東 健司
日本金属学会秋期大会(11月, 大阪)
染川英俊, 渡辺博行, 高津正秀, 東健司
講演概要集, 457.
今井順二, 濱田 糾, 東 健司
講演概要集, 486.
田中 努, 槙井 浩一, 櫛部 淳道, 東 健司
講演概要集, 488.
佐々木泰祐、染川英俊、宝 晃、西川幸男、東 健司
塑性加工学会秋期大会(11月, 静岡)
田中努、高橋大樹、高津正秀、東 健司
講演概要集, 199-200.