

学術論文, 国際会議Proc.

(Effect of Liquid Phase on Cavitation and Fracture in High Strain-Rate Superplastic Si3N4p/2124 Al Composite)
岩崎 源,田中信之,森 隆資,馬渕 守,東 健司
材料,46,143-147 (1997).
(Grain boundary sliding, Accommodation helpers, Fine grain, Elongation)

The Aging Behavior and the Mechanical Properties of the Mg-Li-Al-Cu Alloy
N.Saito, M.Mabuchi, M.Nakanishi, K.Kubota and K.Higashi
Scripta Mater., 36, 551-555 (1997).
(Light metal, Precipitates, High strength)

Elevated Temperature Mechanical Properties of a 5056 Al-Mg Alloy Processed by Equal-Channel-Angular-Extrusion
(ECAEにて製造された5056 Al-Mg合金の高温変形特性)
M.Kawazoe, T.Shibata, T.Mukai and K.Higashi
Scripta Mater., 36,699-705 (1997).
(Fine grain, Ingot metallurgy, Superplasticity)

Low Temperature Superplasticity in an AZ91 Magnesium Alloy Processed by ECAE
M.Mabuchi, H.Iwasaki, K.Yanase and K.Higashi
Scripta Mater., 36, 681-686 (1997).
(Fine grain, Ingot metallurgy, Elongation, Grain boundary sliding)

Partial Melting at Interfaces and Grain Boundaries for High Strain Rate Superplastic Materials
M.Mabuchi, H-G.Jeong, K.Hiraga and K.Higashi
Interface Science, 4, 357-368 (1997).
(HREM, Segregation, Liquid, Accommodation helpers)

The role of liquid phase in cavitation in a Si3N4p/Al-Mg-Si composite exhibiting high-strain-rate superplasticity
H.Iwasaki, M.Mabuchi and K.Hgashi
Acta Mater., 45, 2759-2766 (1997).
(Grain boundary sliding, Accommodation, Accommodation helpers, Interfaces, Stress concentration)

Interfacial Structure of Si3N4 Whisker Reinforced 7064 Aluminum Composite
(Si3N4 ウイスカー強化された7064アルミニウム複合材料の界面挙動)
B.T.Lee, K.Higashi and K.Hiraga
J.Mater. Sci. Lett., 16, 206-208 (1997).
(HREM, Segregation, Liquid, Accommodation helpers)

(Experimental Study on Strengthening Mechanisms of Al-Zn-Mg-Cu System Alloy)
松岡秀明,広瀬幸雄,岸 陽一,東 健司
材料,46,665-670 (1997).
(Fine grain, Solid solution, Precipitates, Hall-Petch relation)

Ductility Enhancement at Elevated Temperatures in a ZK60-based Composite
T.Mukai, T.G.Nieh and K.Higashi
Mater. Sci. Forum, 233/234, 261-268 (1997).
(Fine grain, Uniform structure, Stress concentration, Superplasticity)

Recent Works in High Strain Rate Superplasticity
K. Higashi and M.Mabuchi
Mater. Sci. Forum, 233/234, 155-162 (1997).
(Materials processing, Fine grain, Accommodation helpers, Grain boundary sliding)

Grain Refinement and Mechanical Properties at Elevated Temperatures of Al-Mg Alloy by Hard-Strain-Process
M.Kawazoe, T.Shibata and K.Higashi
Mater. Sci. Forum, 233/234,207-214 (1997).
(Equal-Channel-Angular-Extrusion, High strength, Superplasticity)

Cavitation in Superplastic Al-Mg Alloy
H.Iwasaki, T.Mori, T.Tagata, M.Matsuo and K.Higashi
Mater. Sci. Forum, 233/234, 81-87 (1997).
(Stress concentration, Grain boundary sliding, Accommodation)

Critical Aspects of High Strain Rate Superplasticity
K.Higashi and M.Mabuchi
Mater. Sci. Forum, 243/245, 267-276 (1997).
(Fine grain, Accommodation, Stress concentration, Liquid)

Cavitation in High Strain Rate Superplastic Metal Matrix Composite
H.Iwasaki, T.Mori, M.Mabuchi and K.Higashi
Mater. Sci. Forum, 243/245,303-308 (1997).
(Local stress, Accommodation helpers, Grain size, Temperature)

Superplastic Characteristics in a Doubly-Extruded ZK60/SiC/17p Magnesium-Based Composite
T.Mukai, T.G.Nieh and K.Higashi
Mater. Sci. Forum, 243/245, 321-326 (1997).
(Fine grain, Stability, Uniform structure, Grain boundary sliding)

Low Temperature Superplasticity of Magnesium Alloys Processed by ECAE
M.Mabuchi, H.Iwasaki and K.Higashi
Mater. Sci. Forum, 243/245, 547-552 (1997).
(Hard straining, Grain boundary sliding, Very fine grain, Accommodation)

(Estimation of SCC Resistance of Al-Zn-Mg-Cu System Alloy from Residual Stress and Random Strain by X-Ray Analysis)
松岡秀明,広瀬幸雄,岸 陽一,東 健司
日本機械学会論文集 A, 63, 96-103 (1997).
(Crack, Propagation, Fine grained structures)

(Effect of Grain Size on Fatigue Crack Growth Resistance in Al-Zn-Mg-Cu System Alloy)
松岡秀明,広瀬幸雄,岸 陽一,東 健司
日本機械学会論文集 A, 63, 2303-2311 (1997).
(Fine grain, Stress concentration, Precipitates, grain boundary)

Critical Assessments of Accommodation Process by Liquid Phase for Superplastic Flow in Si3N4/Al-Mg-Si Metal Matrix Composites
M.Mabuchi, H.Iwasaki, H-G.Jeong, K.Hiraga and K.Higashi
J.Mater. Res. 12, 2332-2336 (1997).
(Grain boundary sliding, Accommodation helpers, Interfaces, Optimum liquid)

High-Strain-rate Superplastic Behavior in a Super-Rapidly-Solidified Al-Si System Alloy
S.Fujino, N.Kuroishi, M.Yoshino, T.Mukai, Y.Okada and K.Higashi
Scripta Mater., 37, 673-678 (1997).
(Fine grain, Fine precipitates, Liquid, Grain boundary sliding)

(Theoretical Study on Precipitation Strengthening Mechanism of Al-Zn-Mg-Cu system Alloys)
広瀬幸雄,松岡秀明,東 健司
日本機械学会論文集 A, 63, 88-95 (1997).
(Fine grain, Solid solution, Precipitates, Hall-Petch relation)

(Relationships between Grain Growth and Stress Corrosion Cracking Resistance of Al-Zn-Mg-Cu System Alloys Having Fully Recrystallized Grained Structures)
松岡秀明,広瀬幸雄,東 健司
日本機械学会論文集 A, 63, 2686-2693 (1997).
(Stress concentration, Fine grain, Solid solution, Precipitates, Hall-Petch relation)

Grain Size Control in Metal Matrix Composites
M.Mabuchi and K.Higashi
Proc. of Int. Conf. on Recrystallization and Related Phenomena, 611-618 (1997).
(Stress concentration, Accommodation, Accommodation helpers, Grain boundary sliding)

Critical Assessments of Cavitation Fracture Process in High-Strain-Rate Superplastic Materials
K.Higashi, M.Mabuchi and H.Iwasaki
Proc. of Recent Advances in Fracture, 273-284 (1997).
(Stress concentration, Accommodation, Accommodation helpers, Grain boundary sliding)

Mechanical properties of Mg-Si alloys
M.Mabuchi, T.Asahina, K.Kubota and K.Higashi
Proc. of the Third Int. Magnesium Conf., 439-447 (1997).
(High strength, Superplasticity, Fine grain)

Effect of alloying elements on the aging behavior of Mg-Li-Al alloy
N.Saito, M.Mabuchi, M.Nakanishi, T.Asahina , K.Kubota and K.Higashi
Proc. of the Third Int. Magnesium Conf., 431-437 (1997).
(Strength, Ductility, Fine grain, Precipitation)

Post Deformed Mechanical Properties and Microstructures in a Superplastically-Extruded in 905XL Alloy
T.Mukai, K.Ishikawa and K.Higashi
Proc. of the Third Conf. on Recrystallization and Related Phenomena, 529-536 (1997).
(Grain growth, Cavitation, Dynamic properties, Strength)

Effect of Aging Treatment on the Mechanical Properties of the Mg-Li-Al-Cu Aloy
N.Saito, M.Mabuchi, M.Nakanishi, M.Nakamura, K.Kubota and K.Higashi
Proc. of Int. Conf. on Thermomechanical Processing of Steels and Other Materials,1103-1110 (1997).
(Strength, Ductility, Fine grain, Precipitation)

Interface Structure of Si3N4-Reinforced Al-Based Alloy Composites Studied by Transmission Electron Microscopy
H.-G.Jeong, M.Mabuchi, K.Higashi and K.Hiraga
Proc. of Int. Conf. on Thermomechanical Processing of Steels and Other Materials,1201-1208 (1997).
(Partial Melting, Grain Boundary, High Strain Rate Superplasticity, Segregation, Accommodation helpers)

Recent Progress in High Strain Rate Superplasticity
Proc. of Int. Conf. on Thermomechanical Processing of Steels and Other Materials, 1795-1804 (1997).
(Materials processing, Fine grain, Accommodation helpers, Grain boundary sliding)

Observation of Superplasticity in a Magnesium-Based ZK60/SiC/17p Composite at a Low Temperature
(ZK60/SiC/17p マグネシウム基複合材料の低温域における超塑性の観察)
T.Mukai, T.G.Nieh and K.Higashi
Proc. of Int. Conf. on Thermomechanical Processing of Steels and Other Materials,1847-1852 (1997).
(Very fine grain, Stability, Uniform structure, Grain boundary sliding)

High-Strain-Rate Superplasticity in a Magnesium Alloys
M.Mabuchi, N.Saito, K.Shimojima, M.Nakanishi, Y.Yamada, M.Nakamura, T.Asahina, T.G.Langdon, H.Iwasaki and K.Higashi
Proc. of Int. Conf. on Thermomechanical Processing of Steels and Other Materials,1975-1982 (1997).
(Fine grain, Grain boundary sliding, Accommodation, Grain boundary diffusion)

Microstructure Evolution During High-Strain-Rate Superplastic Flow in Al-Ni-Misch Metal Alloy Produced from Amorphous Powders
Y.Umakoshi, W.Fujitani, T.Nakano, A.Inoue, K.Ohtera, T.Mukai and K.Higashi
Proc. of Int. Conf. on Thermomechanical Processing of Steels and Other Materials, 1983-1990 (1997).
(Fine Grain, Grain boundary sliding, Dislocation, Accommodation)

Evaluation of Cavity Growth in a High-Strain-Rate Superplastic Si3N4p/Al-Mg-Si Composite
H.Iwasaki, T.Mori, M.Mabuchi and K.Higashi
Proc. of Int. Conf. on Thermomechanical Processing of Steels and Other Materials,1991-1998 (1997).
(Accommodation helper, Liquid, Stress concentration, Fine grain, Grain boundary sliding)


(Metal Behaved Like “Soft Toffee” -Superplasticity-)
東 健司
日本機械学会誌, 100, 4-5 (1997).

東 健司
まてりあ, 36, 1131 (1997).


International Conference on Superplasticity in Advanced Materials (Bangalore, India, January, 1997)
K.Higashi and M.Mabuchi
Critical Aspects of High Strain-Rate Superplasticity.

H.Iwasaki, T.Mori, M.Mabuchi and K.Higashi
Cavitation in High Strain Rate Superplastic Metal Matrix Composites.

T.Mukai, T.G.Nieh and K.Higashi
Superplastic Characteristics in a Doubly-Extruded ZK60/SiC/17p Magnesium Based Composite.

M.Mabuchi, H.Iwasaki and K.Higashi
Low Temperature Superplasticity of Magnesium Alloys Processed by ECAE.

The 4th IUMRS International Conference in Asia (Makuhari, Japan, September, 1997)
M.Mabuchi, H.Iwasaki and K.Higashi
Tensile Properties of 5056 Aluminum Alloy Processed by ECAE.

T.Mukai, H.Watanabe, K,Ishikawa and K.Higashi
Effect of Grain Size on Superplastic Behavior in a Mechanically-Alloyed Al-Mg-Li Alloy.

International Conference on Thermomechanical Processing of Steels and other Materials (Wollongong, Australia, July, 1997)
Recent Progress in High Strain Rate Superplasticity.

H.Iwasaki, T.Mori, M.Mabuchi and K.Higashi
The Role of Liquid Phase in Cavitation in a High-Strain-Rate Superplastic Si3N4/Al-Mg-Si Composite.

Y.Umakoshi, W.Fujitani, T.Nakano, A.Inoue, K.Ohtera, T.Mukai and K.Higashi
Microstructural Evolution During High-Strain-Rate Superplastic Flow in Al-Ni-Misch Metal Alloy Produced from Amorous Powders.

M.Mabuchi, N.Saito, K.Shimojima, M.Nakanishi, Y.Yamada, M.Nakamura, T.Asahina, T.G.Langdon, H.Iwasaki and K.Higashi
High-Strain-Rate Superplasticity in a Magnesium Alloys.

K.Higashi, T.G.Nieh and T.Mukai
Superplastic Behavior in a Magnesium Based ZK/60/Sic/17p Composite at Low Temperatures.

International Seminar on Microstructure, Micromechanics and Processing of Superplastic Material (Tsu, Japan, August, 1997)
T.Mukai, H.Watanabe, K.Ishikawa, Y.Okanda, H.Iwasaki and K.Higashi
Superplastic-Like Behavior of ZK60 Magnesium Alloy in a Wide Range of Temperature.

M.Mabuchi and K.Higashi
Constitutive Equation of High Strain Rate Superplasticity in Metal Matrix Composites.

M.Mabuchi, M.Nakamura, H.Iwasaki and K.Higashi
Superplastic behavior of very fine grained AZ91 Mg alloy.

H.Iwasaki, T.Mori, M.Mabuchi and K.Higashi
Characteristics of Internal Cavities and Fracture in a High–Strain-Rate Superplastic Si3N4/Al-Mg-Si Composites.

The 8th International Conference on Adaptive Structures and Technologies (ICAST’97) (Wakayama, Japan, October, 1997)
M.Mabuchi, H.Iwasaki and K.Higashi
High Strain Rate Superplasticity and Its Applications.

Symposium on Fracture Advanced in Fracture,TMS’97 (Orland, U.S.A.,February, 1997)
M.Mabuchi, H.Iwasaki and K.Higashi
Critical Assessments of Cavitation Fracture Process in High-Strain-Rate Superplastic Materials.


馬渕 守,鄭 夏圀,平賀賢二,東 健司
講演論文集 (II), 145-146.

岩崎 源,森 隆資,馬渕 守,東 健司
Si3N4/Al-Mg-Si 複合材料の高ひずみ速度超塑性変形で生じる内部空洞の特徴
講演論文集 (II), 163-164.

東 健司
講演論文集 (II), 169-170.

岩崎 源,井上誉史,森 隆資,東 健司
講演概要, 167.

岩崎 源,森 隆資,馬渕 守,東 健司
講演概要, 194.

馬越佑吉,藤谷 渉,中野貴由,井上明久,大寺克昌,向井敏司,東 健司
Al-Ni-Mn 合金の超塑性変形と微細組織
講演概要, 194.

渡辺博行,向井敏司,石川皓一,大神田佳平,東 健司
講演概要, 195.

東 健司
Al-Ni-Mn 合金の超塑性変形における付随調整機構について
講演概要, 196.

馬渕 守,岩崎 源,柳瀬希昭,森 隆資,東 健司
講演概要, 197.

向井敏司,川添正孝,東 健司
講演概要, 198.

鄭 夏圀,馬渕 守,平賀賢二,東 健司
講演概要, 200.

日本金属学会1997年秋期(121回)大会 (9月,宮城)
馬渕 守,中村 守,岩崎 源,東 健司
講演概要, 83.

向井敏司,渡辺博行,石川皓一,大神田佳平,東 健司
講演概要, 84.

渡辺博行,向井敏司,石川皓一,大神田佳平,東 健司
講演概要, 84.

馬渕 守, 東 健司
Accommodation helper mechanisms における液相の臨界厚
講演概要, 85.

岩崎 源,井上誉史,森 隆資,馬渕 守,東 健司
講演概要, 86.

鄭 夏圀,平賀賢二,東 健司,馬渕 守
講演概要, 86.

第41回日本学術会議材料研究連合講演会 (9月,京都)
細川博之,岩崎 源,森 隆資,田形 勉,東 健司
前刷集, 181-182.

向井敏司,石川皓一,東 健司
前刷集, 207-208.

石川皓一,向井敏司,渡辺博行,東 健司
前刷集, 209-210.

渡辺博行,向井敏司,石川皓一,大神田佳平,東 健司
前刷集, 211-212.

井上誉史,岩崎 源,森 隆資,馬渕 守,東 健司
前刷集, 213-214.

東 健司,馬渕 守 
Accommodation helper mechanisms における液相厚さの重要性
前刷集, 215-216.

馬渕 守,中村 守,岩崎 源,東 健司
前刷集, 235-236.

第3回CSTCフォーラム地域技術シンポジウム (10月,名古屋)
東 健司
予稿集, 47-53.

軽金属学会第93回秋期大会 (11月,東京)
石川皓一,向井敏司,大神田佳平,馬渕 守,東 健司
講演概要, 111-112.

東 健司
講演概要, 313-314.

岩崎 源,森 隆資,馬渕 守,東 健司
講演概要, 323-324.

向井敏司,平田智丈,渡辺博行,東 健司
講演論文集, 375-376.

西田秀人,高原 渉,田辺重則,東 健司
講演概要集, 15.

柴村祥仁,田辺重則,東 健司
講演概要集, 16.

日本学術振興会アモルファス・ナノ材料第147委員会第58回研究会 (12月,東京)
東 健司
研究会資料, 16-21.

東 健司
概要集, 30.

平賀賢二,大砂 哲,鄭 夏圀,東 健司,馬渕 守
概要集, 40.


東 健司,岩崎 源,馬渕 守
日刊工業新聞, 1997年12月11日